POP is an ERC-20 token that can be transferred P2P between valid POLYGON wallet addresses. Contract address is 0xFa301Ac44049347105d6318D9D59AC325e537F23
Polygon network
POP is hosted on the polygon network. POP can only be purchased with MATIC on the Polygon network.
Proof of present
You've heard of proof of work, proof of stake. POP is proof of present! POP rewards you with tokens if you transfer at least one POP token to a friend who doesn't have any POP tokens.
Pop faucet
Pop faucet is a hard coded wallet address that holds POP tokens to be given away as rewards for proof of present. When you transfer at least 1 POP token to a friend who has no POP tokens, you get a reward of 1 millionth of the balance of the pop faucet. So, if the faucet has a balance of 10 million POP tokens, you get 10 tokens as reward.
Faucet address: 0xFEEDd0D8cC38A723BA93c13A3c59af2E997C619E
Liquid vs faucet
Out of 42 million tokens, 21 million have been assigned to the faucet for rewards and the remaining 21 million are liquid. Over time, due to reward payouts, liquid tokens will increase in number at the expense of faucet tokens. However, total number of tokens will stay at 42 million.
Ultra low gas
Thanks to Polygon, token transfer fees involve gas of value in fractions of US cents.
POP isn't part of any liquidity pools yet. POP tokens are available at the moment by invite only.
If you would like to receive free POP tokens, email us your POLYGON address.